
Court trial script philippines tagalog
Court trial script philippines tagalog

court trial script philippines tagalog

During most parts of his cross-examination of Emma Lim, he virtually conducted a direct examination, instead of a cross-examination. There is one commandment in cross-examination: Thou shalt not conduct a direct examination of a witness presented by the opposing party! Strangely, Mendoza brushed aside this cardinal rule. How, in the world, could Mendoza, who was expected to completely demolish witness Lim, be such a big disappointment to his fans and admirers in the legal profession? As a nonpracticing lawyer with a basic knowledge of trial technique, I am really perplexed and puzzled over how a reputedly talented veteran lawyer like Estelito Mendoza could have violated the simple cardinal rules of courtroom examination when he grilled Prosecution witness Emma Lim in the Impeachment Trial of President Estrada.

Court trial script philippines tagalog